Calling People is Not Scary! Part 2/3
Does the thought of calling people let your heart rate spike? Are you dreading your time on the phone? Then this three-part-series is for you!
The idea of calling a complete stranger can be kind of terrifying. In video two of our series we will talk about another strategy to up your phone game!
Part 2: Skillset.
Having the skills for a successful call is as essential as putting your mind into the right spot.
1) Script: If you don't script, you don't care. A game plan matters! Instead of practicing on your clients or your leads, it's more helpful to practice on your colleagues to get comfortable with having sales interactions.
2) Mirror and match: Matching the client's tonality and mirroring their DISC profile will help you to get in tune with the client. If you are out of line when it comes to tonality or rate of speech, you might miss out on a connection or a prospective appointment.
3) Shut up and listen: People want to feel heard and have the feeling you are present for them. The lead is going to tell you everything you want to know when you ask the right questions and are willing to listen. Pay attention to what this person is going to tell you, care and connect to them on a deep level.
On our team, we start our new team member with basic scripting. As soon as they are getting new advanced, they start to go through a framework that we call the grading rubric. This grading rubric is about 25 different points that you should be covering on a phone call. This advanced technique helps you to avoid robotic conversations. You can throw your script away as soon as you go through the advanced level, but it takes a while to get there. It's critical to lay the groundwork and know which questions to ask. Basic scripting will help you!
Stay tuned for the next and last part of our three-part series!
Didn't watch video 1? Then go back and have a look to do the groundwork and lay the foundation for a successful call!
Questions? Ideas? Shoot me a message!