How To Find The Right Real Estate Coach
Did you notice a new trend? Everybody is a "coach" on social media.
It’s hard to separate the great coaches from the not so great. But there are a few hints that can help you find the coach that is perfect for you and can help you bring your business forward!
1) Everyone is a coach: Be aware that everyone is considering himself as a coach. A good measure: The person you are going to hire should have done what you are trying to do! They don't have to be a real estate agent, but should have a special area of expertise, no matter if it's marketing or recruiting or certain components relevant to you as realtor.
2) Talk to current and past clients: Personal reviews on working with this coach and the experience about leaving the company can tell you a lot about how working with this coach would be like. Combining the current client experience with a past client experience will show a clear picture!
3) Don't go cheap: You are not looking for the least expensive coach, you are looking for the most qualified one that adds most value to your business.
4) Discovery call: Any good coach should give you a free 30 minute call to see if you are a good fit for each other.
5) You are not looking for a friend or babysitter: You are looking for a mentor and guide who can give you a roadmap about what to do.
Wanna know more? Watch our video or shoot us a message!