Worried About Commission Splits?
Are you worried about commission splits? Of course, you are – every real estate agent is. Therefore, the question most new agents ask before joining a team is "What are your commission splits?"
What they often ignore: It’s not the actual commission split that is most important when joining a team or brokerage.
The split itself doesn’t even say anything about your take home pay!
What should be high on your priority list is a good fit when it comes to the company's culture. As soon as you can see yourself working with this team or brokerage long term, you certainly want to look into numbers and data behind it.
But: The question you should be focused on is not the actual split.
Instead ask about how much the team's agents netting.
The net earnings will tell you how many transactions they are actually doing and give you a long-term perspective!
The percentage itself doesn't matter as much as the agents are actually taking home on the annual basis.
Because: 50 percent of nothing is still nothing...
Looking at the team's numbers of the last twelve months will tell you how much volume they are actually doing.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about commission splits!
Give us a call or shoot us a message!