Organizing your CRM Part 2/6: A, B, C and D
Here it is: The second part of our six-part series to organize your CRM. Today we are talking about leads that you actually reach and are in contact with, but haven’t met in person yet. If you didn’t have the chance yet, make sure to check out part 1/6 about organizing new leads!
So, what to do with new leads who are out a few weeks or even months from making a move? At the Novak Team at eXp, we are putting these into four different buckets: The A, B, C and D buckets for both buyer and seller.
Automatic cadences in your CRM will help you to sort these leads and follow up with the at the appropriate times:
A-Leads are ready to meet in the next 0 to 30 days. We are getting in contact with these important leads once a week via phone and text.
B-Leads are ready to make a move in 30 to 90 days. We are connecting with these leads every ten days.
C-Leads are out 90 to 150 days. Contacting via e-mail and text once a month.
D-Leads are planning to make a move in 150 and more days. Contacting D-Leads might be sufficient every two months.
Important: As clients move forward on the timeline, make sure that they are automatically switching sequences at the end of each sequence: The D becomes a C, the C a B, the B turns into an A.
The guideline “people don’t like to feel sold” is especially important when building a relationship with a future buyer or seller. Bringing your leads value with every contact will enable them to trust you as a human being and an agent. Instead of just checking in, E-Mail and video content with a real benefit can establish authority!
Organizing your CRM is an important step to contact your clients the right way at the right time. It also helps you to plan your day efficiently: When coming into the office you can prioritize and contact the As before taking a chance at the Bs, Cs and then the Ds.
An A-Lead is ready to go home shopping and making a move right away. If you don’t get to them, another agent will - and you will lose that transaction!
This is part 2 of our six-part series about organizing your leads. Stay tuned for part 3-6! Also, If you didn’t have the chance yet, make sure to check out part 1/6 about organizing new leads!
Questions? I would be stoked to share with you what exactly we are doing here at the Novak Team at eXp! Shoot me a message, I am happy to help and share with you what exactly works for us!